Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pasta 'Crazy' Prawns

This recipe was invented by my dad. He is a great cook! You need just a few ingredients and it takes no time to make it and impress guests! It is named that way by my dad (don't ask me why :P).

Serve: 4

Cooking and preparation time: 20 minutes


400 ml cream (I go light and it is the same as full cream I find!).
600g king prawns (uncooked) - about 150g per person
1 TB of tomato pasta
2 lemons
50 ml whisky
Lots of pepper

cooked thin spaguetti (type angel hair but standard spaguetti are good too)

1. In a frying pan put 2 TB of olive oil. Add all your prawns and fry them until they start changing color. Add the whisky while hot while being careful as you are going to 'flambee' them ('flambee' means when you add alcohol to something and then lit it with fire). Let the alcohol burn until there is no flame anymore. Remove just the prawns from the pan.

3. Add to the pan the tomato paste, half a lemon juice and fry a few seconds. Then add the cream and about 1 TS of pepper. Let it reduce until thicker (about 5 minutes).

4. Put the prawns back in the sauce and cook for another minute (you don't want to overcook the prawns).

Add the pasta to the pan and stir for a few seconds until the juices/sauce penetrates the pasta a little.

Ready to serve and eat! Yummm

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